Thursday, December 8, 2016

Aircraft Maintenance - What is MSG?

Hello guys, we're going to talk about what is MSG today.

What is MSG

MSG, Maintenance Steering Group, is a document with maintenance design concepts issued by ATA, Air Transport Association of America.
As I told you last time, Airline will compose their Maintenance Requirement by Maintenance Planning Document, which is provided by Manufacturer.
Refer to: Aircraft Maintenance - Why do we maintenance?
MSG-3 is used to determine initial scheduled maintenance requirements.
MSG will be an original consideration for the MPD. We may talk about all the resource for MR in the future.

History of MSG

As the figure below, you can see the MSG developed by time and aircraft type.
It's interesting that once european try to make a similar document called EMSG for european aircrafts, but they also follow the newest MSG-3 in the end.