Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Aviation Regulation - ICAO - Why do we want to join ICAO?

After last time we talked about what is ICAO, I want to talk little thing about why do we want to join ICAO.

Refer to : Aviation Regulation - ICAO, IATA, and CAAs

Last time we said ICAO they make a unified standardization for all the member nations to follow. But why do we want to follow the standards?  It may be difficult to be complied with them. What's the benefit for the members to attend ICAO?

I'm going to say two aspects on this issue, but there may be more. Please share with me if you know more!

First aspect: Freedoms of the Air! (Freedom Rights)

ICAO grants certain freedoms of air for it's member nations.

On the ICAO official websites, they list 9 freedoms of air, but actually only first five freedoms are recognized by international treaty.
Then, let's see what are those freedoms!

1st Freedom Right
You can fly through someone's territory without landing.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Aircraft Maintenance - Why do we maintenance?

Hello guys. Yesterday I said I'm going to talk more about ICAO, but I'm too tired to focus on one topic for a long time.
As the result, I'm going to write something not so boring today, and it's also a little part of my "Program Planning and Controlling" course. As usual, I won't finish everything in one article, and I will keep trying to improve the presenting way to make you guys feel easier on my articles.

Why do we do maintenance??

Friday, November 25, 2016

Aviation Regulation - ICAO, IATA, and CAAs

Welcome to my first professional post in UlricaPen!
I'm going to mention about something very basic and simple.
However, I believe there are many people still not very sure about what's the difference from them.
That's why I start with these very common words in aviation industry.
I will talk about the main concepts of them, and I may talk about more detail in the other articles in the future.


ICAO description from the official website

Self-introduction and Advance Notes


Hello guys, my name is Wei-Ya PENG, but you can also call me Ulrica.

This is my first time to build a professional blog especially in english. I try to write this blog to share what I knew in my "not very long" aviation career.
I worked in an aircraft maintenance organization over 3 years.

I was trained as an avionic engineer, but after I finished the training, the training department boss, Mr. Peng appreciated my hard studying attitude, so he assigned me to work in his department as a regulation instructor.

I'm an outgoing person, I like to talk to people a lot, and I LOVE to stand on the stage to share all I know to public, so it's a perfect job to me.

I taught basic avionic knowledge, exactly what I learned when I was a trainee, procedure training, such as EWIS, fuel tank safety, or airlines company procedures, and the most important one, aviation regulations.

I taught mainly on part 145 which is the maintenance organization regulation, but I taught that regulation of plenty of countries such as USA, Europe, China, Japan...etc. I'm quite familiar with the structure of aviation regulations.
I also developed a course called Production Planning and Controlling in order to introduce how we manage the aircraft maintenance to University students.

BTW, I also received a certificate of train the trainer from Lufthansa Technical Training, so I'm a quite professional instructor even though I'm not very experienced in this industry! : )