Friday, November 25, 2016

Self-introduction and Advance Notes


Hello guys, my name is Wei-Ya PENG, but you can also call me Ulrica.

This is my first time to build a professional blog especially in english. I try to write this blog to share what I knew in my "not very long" aviation career.
I worked in an aircraft maintenance organization over 3 years.

I was trained as an avionic engineer, but after I finished the training, the training department boss, Mr. Peng appreciated my hard studying attitude, so he assigned me to work in his department as a regulation instructor.

I'm an outgoing person, I like to talk to people a lot, and I LOVE to stand on the stage to share all I know to public, so it's a perfect job to me.

I taught basic avionic knowledge, exactly what I learned when I was a trainee, procedure training, such as EWIS, fuel tank safety, or airlines company procedures, and the most important one, aviation regulations.

I taught mainly on part 145 which is the maintenance organization regulation, but I taught that regulation of plenty of countries such as USA, Europe, China, Japan...etc. I'm quite familiar with the structure of aviation regulations.
I also developed a course called Production Planning and Controlling in order to introduce how we manage the aircraft maintenance to University students.

BTW, I also received a certificate of train the trainer from Lufthansa Technical Training, so I'm a quite professional instructor even though I'm not very experienced in this industry! : )

After two years, I became a structure engineer, that means I started to get into the real maintenance work in this one and half years. I cooperated with all the engineers in our organization, airline customers, and manufacturers. We solved the problem day by day to achieve the airworthiness. At this time, I came from paper theory into real life.

Then, I decided to study abroad. I studied in ENAC for advanced master in Air ground collaborative system engineering. They taught very broadly, including the air transportation management, avionic, flight control system, communication, navigation and surveillance systems. I may be able to share something I learned there with you in the future.

It's my honor to perform an internship in Airbus. I developed a synoptic for trouble shooting tool which is used on Final Assembly Line. I also supported KPI analyst, A350 and A380 dashboard report, and several technical report follow up.

Even though, I was totally in an engineering background, I'm looking forward to changing my career into some scope where I can interact with customers more because I love to talk to people!

Advance Notes

That's all my background for now. I will try to convey my knowledge here in not very serious way. It may be very diversified depends on what I want to talk at that moment. However, I've already decided the first topic I'm going to share with you. 

!!Aviation Regulation!!

It's a big topic, I won't finish it in a short period. I'm going to talk about it from very basic thing about what is ICAO, and the other organization names you heard very often.

I want to emphasize that I'm quite young in this industry. What I'm going to say here may not be totally right. I just try to share, and I'm very open to discuss with all of the professional predecessor and all the ones who want to know more. As I told you, I love to talk with people. Please be friend with me!

I'm Ulrica. I'll try to write at least once a week. I hope this won't be my last article in this blog. Lol

See you guys. Enchantee et ciao!

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